Chandigarh, Congress Deputy Leader in the Lok Sabha Capt Amarinder Singh today supported the novel protest lodged by the Punjab Spinners’ Association, the apex yarn manufacturing body of the state, against the indifference of the state government towards their plight that has led to massive exodus of the spinning industry from Punjab to other parts of the country.
Referring to a series of advertisements published by the association in various newspapers blaming the state government for the Punjab industrialists investing about Rs 10,000 crores in Madhya Pradesh instead of Punjab, Capt Amarinder said, this has vindicated his stand as he had consistently been warning that the industry was shutting down in Punjab and moving to other states.
He said, this was a slap on the Punjab government and it could not have come at worst time as the state has been reeling under financial crisis with debt mounting to Rs 1.13 lakh crores and the government repeatedly claiming to the contrary and lying about the huge investments coming to the state. “What to speak of outside investments coming to Punjab, when the state government cannot retain its own industry here?” he asked.
He disclosed that it was not only the spinning industry that was moving out, even the bicycle and spare parts industry was also moving to places like Bihar, Jharkhand and Gujarat. “People of the state will never forgive for what you have done to a rich, prosperous, progressive and proud state like Punjab that our economic plight is now pitiable”, he told the Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal.
The former Chief Minister pointed out, it is now the industry itself that has come out with sensational revelations against the government’s criminal indifference towards them. He said, had this much of investment been made in Punjab, not only would have it generated the revenue in the shape of taxes, but would also have created additional jobs for the unemployed.
“But, unfortunately this government has already given up the will to govern and is only biding time”, he observed, while asking, “otherwise, how can one explain the massive exodus of industry and revenue from a cash starved Punjab to other states, when all that the government needed to do was to take some industry friendly decisions?”
“You have already pushed Punjab towards bankruptcy by your incompetence, mismanagement and misgovernance”, he warned the Chief Minister, adding, “now, for God’s sake, please do not let our main source of revenue also to dry down by creating a situation where local industry finds it better to close down here and start a venture elsewhere”.