Chandigarh, Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Thursday ordered the release of Rs. 5 lakh for the treatment of ailing Asiad Gold medal winner athlete Hakam Singh.
The Chief Minister, who had earlier tweeted his concern and asked the DC to visit the 1978 Bangkok Asiad medallist, has directed the Barnala district administration to ensure all necessary assistance for the Dhyan Chand Awardee, who is undergoing treatment for liver and kidney ailments at hospital.
The former athlete, who had also served as Havaldar in the 6 Sikh Regiment, was conferred the Dhyan Chand Award in 2008. He had a near fatal accident which forced him to hang his boots in 1981, marking an abrupt end to an illustrious sporting career.
The Chief Minister has reiterated his government’s commitment to the welfare of former sportspersons in the state and has assured of all monetary help to ensure that they lead a respectable life after retirement from active sports.