Chandigarh, Congress Deputy Leader in the Lok Sabha Capt Amarinder Singh today criticised the government decision to hike the excise duty on diesel and petrol by Rs 2 per litre. He said, instead of people getting the benefit of the falling prices of crude oil in the international market, the BJP led NDA government was slapping them with extra excise duty.
In a statement issued here today, Capt Amarinder said, the hike was totally unjustified. He said, the government had failed to pass on the benefit of the falling oil prices in the international market to the consumers in the country.
The Congress leader pointed out, the crude oil prices had come down from $115 per barrel in June to $50 per barrel now, which means a fall of about sixty percent. Compared to that, he added, the NDA government had slashed the prices of petroleum products in india by less than ten per cent which amount to fraud with the people.