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punjab-deputy-chief-minister-sukhbir-singh-badal-104986-700x518* 125 POSTS CREATED IN POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR MEDAL WINNING SPORTSPERSONS





Chandigarh, May 20: The Punjab Cabinet today approved the proposal to create the most modern warehousing facility by establishing Steel Silos for 15 Lac Metric Tons (MT) by the Punjab State Warehousing Corporation in Punjab.

A decision to this effect was taken in the meeting of the Council of Ministers chaired by the Deputy Chief Minister Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal here at CMO this morning.

Disclosing this here today, a spokesperson of the Chief Minister’s Office said that the Steel Silos was the modern alternative Warehousing practice for storage of Wheat. Except for 2.75 lac Metric Tons capacity, the existing storage capacity in Punjab is in the form of conventional covered warehouses and open plinths. The traditional system of storage has inherent shortcomings related to shelf life and quality of grains and requirement of land. Steel Silos provide a viable and scientific alternative option for bulk storage of grains due to various benefits such as assured shelf life for more than three years, easier grains management, one third land requirement compared to traditional warehouses and much lesser risk of pilferage. The Punjab State Warehousing Corporation would create steel silos having capacity of 15 Lac Metric Tons. This new silos steel storage capacity would be created as per policy guidelines of FCI and Government of india.

To provide better facilities to the sportsperson of the State under its comprehensive Sports Policy, the Cabinet also decided to make provision of 125 posts in the Police department for the players who have won medals at Olympics, Asian, Common Wealth Games, World Cup and other National/International Competitions. Amongst these posts 10 would be of Deputy Superintendents of Police, 50 Sub Inspectors and 65 Constables and all these posts would be kept out of the preview of Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) and Punjab State Subordinate Services Selection Board (SSSB) and would be filled on the recommendation of the screening committee to be constituted by the state government. The players, thus selected would serve in the Police department till they represent in All india Police Games. As soon as they finish their sports career they would be sent for police training. After completion of the training, they would be attached with the department of sports for 10 years or till they attain the age of 40 years, whichever is earlier. This unique initiative of the state government would not only provide employment to these outstanding players, but also give an opportunity to them for imparting training to the budding players besides winning more medals for the state/nation.

To ensure level playing field to the local sugar mills and timely payment to the cane growers, the Cabinet also approved to introduce entry tax on the sugar being brought into Punjab from outside the state @ 11%, through Punjab Development of Trade, Commerce and Industries Ordinance, 2015.

In a bid to promote housing infrastructural development in the State, the Cabinet today ratified its earlier decision of meeting held on December 17, 2011 to withdraw some of the exemptions granted to mega housing projects under Punjab Apartment and Property Regulation Act (PAPRA), 1995. In view of the representations received from promoters in this regard, the Empowered Committee in its meeting on July 12, 2012 decided that the decision of the Cabinet would apply only on those Mega Housing projects which have been approved after December 17, 2011 and not on the projects which have been approved prior to this date.

The Cabinet also approved the proposal of the Punjab Water Supply & Sewerage Board for starting the work of allotting composite tenders including Operation and Maintenance for 10 years for various cities. In the first stage, these works were being started in Bathinda city and South-eastern zone of Amritsar City. This was a new concept where one successful bidder would create and maintain the city infrastructure like roads, sewerage, street lights, water supply and Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) instead of different agencies doing these works. This would increase efficiency and overcome the problem of coordination and blame game when different agencies were allotted each component.

To encourage the participation of foreign key players in the medical health care and research, the Cabinet gave approval to amend the Land Allotment Policy-2014 for allotment of plots for hospitals, multi-speciality hospitals, medical colleges-cum-hospital and medical research institutes in the upcoming Medicity at new Chandigarh (Mullanpur).

The amended policy allows participation of 100% owned subsidiaries, joint ventures floated by foreign health institutions. It also allows the subsidiary of any parent company to apply for allotment on behalf of the parent company. The interested foreign players must fulfil the terms & conditions under FEMA and FDI in conformity with the guidelines of Government of india and Reserve Bank of india (RBI).

The Cabinet also gave a go ahead to transfer five acres of vacant land belonging to Government College, Sri Muktsar Sahib for the construction of new complex of the Panjab University Regional Centre because the existing building of the Centre is in dilapidated condition and has been declared unsafe.

The Cabinet also gave ex-post facto approval to grant extension in the service contracts of 517 service providers and 531 sweepers working in 582 Veterinary hospitals across the state from December 01, 2014 to December 31, 2015 as a stop gap arrangement.

The Cabinet also approved the amending of the Regulation 44 (i) of part III-K of Punjab Public Services Commission (PPSC) Regulations to avoid the delay in sending the requisition by different departments to PPSC in respect of Punjab State Civil Services Combined Competitive Examination. Thereafter, every department will send its requisitions through Personnel department.

The Cabinet also accorded its approval to continue with Eastern Mineral and Trading Agency (EMTA) Coal Ltd. as the mining contractor of Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd. (PSPCL) for mining operations at the Pachwara (Central) Coal Mine as a transitory arrangement for a period of nine months or till Mine Developer-cum-Operator to be appointed by PSPCL through competitive bidding starts mining operations, whichever is earlier.

The state government gave remission of stamp duty and related cess thereon on the transfer of immovable property to the family members including transfer to spouse in the urban areas on the pattern of such facility already allowed on transfer of property in rural areas. The Cabinet also reduced the rate of stamp duty from existing 2% to 0.5% on the registration of power of attorney given with an objective of the sale of property or transfer of possession. The 0.5% of the stamp duty will be adjustable towards the payable stamp duty at the time of execution of sale deed with respect to that property. On all other power of attorneys a stamp duty of Rs.2000/- will be levied.

The state government is embarking upon a major programme to upgrade rural and urban infrastructure in the state, which would require a few thousand crores of rupees. As a part of this ambitious programme, the funding will come from enhancement of Infrastructure Development (ID) Fee from the existing Re.1 to Rs. 2 per litre on the sale of petrol and levying Re. 1 per litre ID Fee on the sale of diesel within the State. Likewise, the Cabinet also gave its nod to levy ID Fee @ Rs.5 per one hundred rupees of value of electricity consumed. Similarly, the Cabinet also approved to levy ID Fee @ 1% on the purchase of Immovable property within Punjab. These measures are likely to mop up additional revenue of nearly Rs.1400 crore annually.

To ensure the smooth functioning of the Punjab Gau Sewa Commission for ensuring protection of Cows, the Cabinet approved to enhance the number of its non-official members from seven to ten besides nominating a Vice-chairman by amending the Punjab Gau Sewa Commission Act, 2014.

