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BJP Committed to Road Safety : Dr Sohi

unnamed-3Ludhiana, A Book named “Carnage on Punjab Roads”, Road Safety Action area’s written by International Road Safety Expert & Convener-NGO/Antyodya Cell BJP  Punjab was released today in Ludhiana by BJP President Punjab Sh. Kamal Sharma , Sh. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe National Vice President of  BJP & Sh Ajay Jamwal , General Secretary Organisation BJP Punjab. Speaking on the occasion Sh Kamal Sharma said  BJP supports all the efforts & suggestions given by Dr Kamal Sohi in his book & BJP want a safer Punjab & safer india on the roads & will do all efforts to make it happen at all levels . Dr Sohi said all the workers of BJP in the Punjab are sensitized and are urged to become Road Safety Ambassadors in Punjab to spread awareness & self restrain while driving .  Every body , irrespective of their social status should follow traffic rules & work towards making our roads safer for travel . Punjab is passing through a very bad phase in road crashes, where in we loose more than 5000 people every year & many more are seriously injured and are crippled for life  . Time has come to stop this menace on our roads other wise we will keep losing our precious human lives said Dr Sohi . Two biggest problems Over speeding & Drunken driving need to be checked on Emergency basis with a Zero Tolerance Vision.  Authorities need to follow three E’s that is Enforcement , Enforcement & Enforcement so that Fear of being caught is established & people obey all traffic rules to reduce deaths & injuries on Punjab roads said Dr Sohi. Sh. Vinay SahasrabuddheNational Vice President of  BJP said that Government of india under Sh Narinder Modi is committed to safety of all its citizens on the roads and for the same a new Road Safety & Traffic Management bill is being introduced to have a unified command over road safety efforts . Sh Atal Bihari Yajpayee Birthday will be observed as Sadak Suraksha Day in Punjab on 24th December & BJP NGO/Antodya cell along with other BJP workers will do road safety campaigns in the form of Reflector/ Sticker  pasting on the tractor trolleys/cycles, Road Safety Oath programs & camps outside school & colleges for awareness of students on road safety said Dr Sohi .

