Malout (Sri Muktsar Sahib), Preliminary Meetings cum orientation programme of all Schools Heads, Block Primary Education Officers (BPEO’s) and Center Head Teachers (CHT’s) has been held here under the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) Programme. A total of 235 participants attended the orientation programme organized under the dynamic leadership of District Education Officer Mr. Davinder Kumar and Deputy District Education Officer Mr. Jaspal Monga . In the orientation programme stress was laid on the importance of Education of the girl child. All the school Heads were asked to enroll all the girls of their respective villages/wards to schools and re-enroll the drop-out girlstoo. The school Heads were also asked to organize painting competitions, declamation contests, rallies and other activities in their respective schools and villages so that awareness is created among the people. School management committees would play an important role in the successful implementation of the programme.

