Chandigarh October 7: The Civil Hospital Amritsar was adjudged the Hygenically best hospital under the Kayakalap, a campaign launched under Swachh Bharat , in the state and was awarded a cash prize of Rs. 50 Lakh.
Civil hospitals Pathankot and Bathinda bagged second and third positions respectively and got cash prize of Rs. 3 lakh each.
The awards were given by the Health Minister at a function organized by the department here today.
Addressing the civil surgeons, Deputy Medical Commissioners and other senior officers of the Health department, Mr. Jayani congratulated the Civil Hospital Amritsar for getting the first ever award announced by the government to ensure the over all cleanliness in the hospital. He said that all other districts should also achieve the standards and norms fixed for health and hygiene so that entire health institutions get this kind of recognition.
He also said that the Punjab government has implemented “Kayakalp”, the directive of the Government of India to ensure cleanliness in all the health institutions during the nation-wide cleanliness drive launched by the Prime Minister Mr. Narender Modi.
The Minister also said that instructions had been issued to the Civil Surgeons across the state to ensure cleanliness and basic hygiene in the hospitals under their control. The Best Hospital Award was given on the basis of the overall cleanliness in the hospitals from both in and out, sanitation and hygiene, disposal of hospital waste, infection control, availability of support services, hygiene promotion etc.
Adding further, the Minister said that while giving the award to the best hospital, a special checklist was prepared to evaluate the hospitals. A quetionair of about 250 questions has also been prepared on the basis of thse questions the Evaluation Committee would evaluate the health institutions. Minimum 70% marks should be obtained by the hospital before being evaluated by the special teams, he added.
Speaking on the occasion, Principal Secretary Health, Ms. Vinni Mahajan said that the SMOs have been delegated special powers to keep a check on the health institutions and were authorized to take immediate steps towards the improvement of these institutions. She also said that about 75% of the award money has been donated to the Rogi Kalyan Samiti which would be spent on the patients and the upkeep of the hospitals while the remaining 25% would be distribted amongst the hospital employees who have made this cleanliness drive a success. She also said that in the first phase only civil hospitals were covered while all the CHCs and Sub Divisional hospitals and Primary health care centres would be covered in the second phase.
Prominent amongst others who were present on the occasion included, Chairman Punjab Health Sysytems Corporation, Baljinder Singh Brar, Secretary cum Mission Director Mr. Hussan Lal, Director Health, Dr. Bhag Mal and Director Welfare Dr. H.S.Bali.