Chandigarh, Aug 25: A meeting was convened by Jathedar Tota Singh, Agriculture Minister, Punjab at Chandigarh here today to review the progress of Special repair of Link Roads and other Development works being undertaken by Punjab Mandi Board (PMB) and Punjab Public Works Department (B & R).
During the meeting the progress of special repair of 7794 KM of link roads at a cost of Rs. 1200 Crore under the Repair Programme 2015-16 was reviewed . Under this programme, a length of 7874 KM is also to be undertaken
for patch repairs at a cost of Rs. 72 Crore. In addition, a length of
255 KM is to be laid with Brick Soling for a cost of Rs. 30 Crore. The minister informed that work has already been allotted and most of the works have even commenced on ground.
The Minister directed the concerned officials to complete the works under the
repair programme with complete transparency, in a time bound manner
and with the best quality standards. He warned the officials that any
compromise with the above will not be tolerated and suitable action
will be initiated against the defaulters.
The progress of Special repair of Link Roads under the ongoing Repair Programme 2013-14 was also reviewed under which a length of 8632 KM had been recently laid along with special repairs at a cost of Rs. 1460 Crore. Under this programme, the physical progress achieved is more than 95% and the balance works are likely to be completed before 30.09.2015.
The Development works of various Grain Markets and Purchase Centres was also reviewed and it was emphasised that all the major works should be completed before the paddy season. He directed the officials concerned to ensure the up gradation of all the Katcha Platforms in the purchase centres across the state, on priority.
Prominent amongst those who attended the meeting included S. Ajmer Singh
Lakhowal, Chairman, PMB, S. Ravinder Singh Cheema, Vice Chairman, PMB,
Dr. Deepinder Singh, Secretary, PMB.