The border dispute between the Taliban and Pakistan seems to be intensifying as the former has often objected to the latter’s move to erect barbed-wire fencing along Durand Line. The latest video, accessed by the Republic Media Network, shows the Taliban breaking the fencing in the Nangarhar region along the border with Pakistan.
In the video, a truck can be seen breaking the fencing poles one after another.
“Few expendable Talibs are filmed removing bits of the Pak installed fence somewhere along Durand line. It is an attempt by the ISI to give a sense of national identity to Talibs. With the ISI performing the functions of the dead Mullah Haibatullah such fence isn’t needed for now [sic],” tweeted Amrullah Saleh, former vice-president of Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, Afghanistan’s Ministry of Defence stated that Pakistan has no authority to fence the Durand line since it causes division among the people of one nation. The ministry further stated that it will continue to prevent Pakistan from doing that, as per the Kabul News. It should be noted here that the latest move by the Taliban comes just two days after its local affiliates stopped Pakistani military personnel from building their outpost in Afghanistan’s western Nimroz province.
The Pakistani military had gone up to 15 kilometres inside Afghanistan’s Chahar Burjak district and wanted to build check posts. However, the Taliban stopped the Pakistani military from erecting barbed-wire fences and outposts in the Nimroz region, ANI reported citing local media on Friday, December 31. Last month, the Taliban’s provincial head of the General Directorate of Intelligence (GDI) destroyed the barbed wire of the Pakistani military in eastern Nangarhar province and warned them of ramifications if they continue to build fences on Afghan soil.
Durand Line remains source of tension between two countries
It is pertinent to mention here that the two countries have always been at odds over the almost 2,600-kilometer Durand Line, which has been a source of tension and turmoil between them, particularly since Pakistan began erecting fences along the line, according to Khaama Press. Despite Islamabad’s claims that it has fenced most of the border territories, the matter has remained problematic. Notably, the issue remained the same during the previous government led by Ashraf Ghani.
(Image: ANI/Representative)