A post was shared on the Twitter handle of the Embassy of Pakistan in Serbia, criticising Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan over non-payment of salary for three months and inflation in the country.
“With inflation breaking all previous records, how long do you expect @ImranKhanPTI that we goverment official will remain silent & keep working for you without been paid for past 3 months & our children been forced out of school due to non payment of fees Is this #NayaPakistan?” read the post shared on Embassy of Pakistan, Belgrade’s Twitter handle.
“I am sorry @ImranKhanPTI, am not left with another option,” it added.
The post shared on Pakistan Embassy Serbia’s Twitter handle. (Courtesy: Twitter/@PakinSerbia)
The post also featured a 55-second video song — “Aap ne ghabrana nai” — mocking Imran Khan on his failure to control rising prices of commodities.
The post was later removed from the Twitter handle.
Later, Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement, claiming that the social media handles of Embassy of Pakistan in Serbia were hacked.
“The Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts of the Embassy of Pakistan in Serbia have been hacked. Messages being posted on these accounts are not from the Embassy of Pakistan in Serbia,” Spokesperson, MoFA, said in a tweet.