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Vigilance Bureau conducts surprise check of Airport road in SAS Nagar

Chandigarh September 19 : Punjab Vigilance Bureau teams along with road construction engineers today conducted a surprise check of airport road in SAS Nagar and found that the prescribed standards and material was not used during the construction of 200 feet road.

Disclosing this here today a spokesperson of State Vigilance Bureau informed that on the basis of complaints regarding non-worthiness of this recently constructed road, Vigilance Bureau Chief Director Mr BK Uppal ADGP along with senior PWD and GMADA Engineers, technical teams of VB and experts of Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) have inspected the road and excavated the road at two points with JCB machine and one with sampling machine.

During this special inspection, it has been prima facie found that the road was not designed properly as per the actual soil (clay soil) and traffic conditions (heavy load trucks) at the site, and improper/sub-standard material was used which was not according to the prescribed specifications mentioned in the DPR as well as in the contract conditions.

Mr Uppal informed that the GMADA had already received a sampling report from CRRI. The experts of CRRI have been asked to collect some more samples from the locations selected by the technical teams of VB, PWD (B&R) and GMADA and submit report after thorough analysis of the same, so that exact findings could be reviewed by the Bureau.

Vigilance Chief told that on the basis of CRRI reports further action would be initiated against the guilty Engineers and the contractor. It is mentioned here that after digging the road for fresh sampling, the senior engineers present on the spot have also confirmed that irregularities were committed during its construction due to which the road has got damaged in a short span of time.

Among others present on the spot included Mr G. Nageswara Rao, Director Vigilance Bureau, Mr Shive Kumar Verma, IGP/EOW and Engineers from PWD, GMADA and CRRI.

Photo captions

Photo 1–Chief Director Vigilance Bureau BK Uppal ADGP along with senior VB, PWD and GMADA Engineers and experts excavating the Airport road for inspection at SAS Nagar on Tuesday 19 Sept, 2017.

Photo 2– Photo 1–Chief Director Vigilance Bureau BK Uppal ADGP along with senior VB, PWD and GMADA Engineers and experts inspecting the badly damaged Airport road at SAS Nagar on Tuesday 19 Sept, 2017.

Photo 1–Chief Director Vigilance Bureau BK Uppal ADGP along with senior VB, PWD and GMADA Engineers and experts checking samples after excavation of Airport road at SAS Nagar on Tuesday 19 Sept, 2017.

