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Akali Dal expresses confidence in the leadership of Sukhbir Badal


Chandigarh, March 20: The Shiromani Akali Dal Core Committee today accepted the verdict of the people of Punjab “in all humility and honesty”. A resolution passed at the meeting said that the people had appreciated the agenda of development and good governance and that resulted in the party getting the second highest percentage of votes all across the state. “However, the party has undertaken an honest introspection about the shortcomings and other reasons that may have led to the decline in popular support .”

Giving details of the meeting, party’s General Secretary Harcharan Singh Bains said that the SAD will play the role of constructive opposition in the state. “We will support every decision of the government which is good for Punjabi and its people. But we will steadfastly and vehemently fight against any decisions that go against the interest of the state and the people.

The meeting called upon the new government not to use committees as a “smoke-screen to hide behind for inaction on its promises.” It should announced waiver of debt for farmers as all the data is already available with the government and in reports of experts of universities. Similarly, it should announce a cabinet approval for recruitment to meet the promise of 30 lakh jobs. The new government can fulfill all its promises at the first meeting of the cabinet. Their promises were vetted by Dr Manmohan Singh , an outstanding economist, and these were made only after seeing that the government treasury is in na healthy shape enough to meet these promises.”
The Core Committee also said tha tthe 120 point agenda of the Punjab Council of minister is nothing but a rehash of decisions already in force and implemented by the previous government. Äll suvidha centers are already fully functional and equipped with digital facility. Similarly, properties of drug peddlers are already being confiscated. there already is a ban imposed by the Farmers Indebtedness Act of the SAD BJP government which prohibits sale of farmers properties in case of loan default. There is nothing new in all the 120 points as one of these piously states that drug addicts will be treated with compassion. Did that need to be stated?”
The meeting passed a resolution placing on record its whole hearted appreciation of and confidence in the leadership of Sardar Sukhbir Singh Badal who as president of the party led the SAD to two back to back victories and led bravely from the front in the last election. “The party is proud of its president’s visionary and courageous leadership and his indefatigable zeal and energy for taking Punjab forward. The steps initiated under his leadership have already changed the face of Punjab and the path breaking works on the development field will be appreciated more and more in times to come. ”
The party also thanked and appreciated Sardar Parkash SIngh Badal who as chief minister has led Punjab from one glory to another. His concern for the welfare of every section of society, especially the poor , the dalits and farmers has resulted in historic decisions such as free power to farmers and the poor, shagun scheme , atta daal etc. The party feels pride that it has in Sardar Badal a leader and statesman of national international standing.
Giving details of the meeting to the media, party General Secertary Harcharan Singh Bains said that the party felt that conspiracies were hatched to render Punjabis and Sikhs leaderless by targeting the SAD. But “we will continue to seek inspiration form the great Gurus and fight all such conspiracies. The party will continue to fight as the voice of Punjabis and the Sikhs all over the world.”
Mr Bains said that the meeting also took strong notice of acts of vendetta and repression against Akali workers by goons of the ruling party. The meeting urged the government to cry a halt to such unseemly confrontation and repression or be prepared to face the Akali resistance. “The SAD will not taking such excesses lying down. Whenever our worker are made the target of such blind vendetta, we will rush to his side and fight for him. But we hope that the Government would not encourage such acts of repression and violence and spoil the peaceful atmosphere of the state.”
The Meeting also condemned in the strongest words the murder of loyal party worker Sardar Gurbachan SIngh at the behest of his political rivals in the congress.
Apart from Mr. Parkash Singh Badal and Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal, Mr. Sukhdev Singh Dhindsa, Mr. Ranjit Singh Brahmpura, Mr. Balwinder Singh Bhunder, Mr. Prem Singh Chandumajra, Mr. Sikander Singh Maluka, Mr. Janmeja Singh Sekhon, Mr, Gulzar Singh Ranike, Mr. Maheshinder Singh Grewal, Bibi Upinderjit Kaur and Bibi Jagir Kaur were also present in the meeting.

