Mumbai :- There are hardly two weeks left for the release of sci-fi thriller ‘Creature 3D’ directed by Vikram Bhatt. And before the release, director Vikram Bhatt has shot a passionate number titled ‘Mohabbat Barsa De’ that too in straight too days. Strangely, the video will not feature the leading stars, dusky Bipasha Basu and Pakistani actor Imran Abbas Naqvi, instead ‘Hate Story 2’ fame Surveen Chawla will be seen in the promotional song. This can be said as a well-planned marketing strategy. And, it cannot be denied that nothing sells like sex as we already have seen ‘Hate Story’ and ‘Hate Story 2’ by Vikram Bhatt. Arijit Singh and Arko have lent their voices for the passionate number. Surveen Chawla who has already shown her bold side in ‘Hate Story 2’ was found quite confident on screen along with Rajniesh Duggal.