Sat, 28 September , 2024 Home About Us Advertisement Contact Us
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Parkash-Singh-BadalChandigarh: The Punjab Government has directed all the heads of department to implement in toto the guidelines issued by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India with regard to protect good samaritans from harassment on account of the actions being taken by them to save the life of road accident victims.

Disclosing this here today, State Transport Commissioner, Punjab, Mr. Harmail Singh said that any individual, except an eyewitness, who calls the police to inform them of an accidental injury or death need not reveal his or her personal details such as full name, address or phone number.

He said that the police will not compel Good Samaritan to disclose his or her name, identity, address and other such details in the police record form or log register. The police will not force any Good Samaritan in procuring information or anything else and will allow the Good Samaritan to leave after having provided the information. Besides, no further questions will be asked to him or her if he or she does not desire to be a witness. Even when Good Samaritans agree to become witnesses, the guidelines accord them protection and comfort.

He further divulged that if a Good Samaritan chooses to be a witness, the examination will be conducted at a time and place of his/her convenience and the investigation officer will be dressed in plain clothes. If the Good Samaritan is required by the investigation officer to visit the police station, the reasons for the requirement shall be recorded by the officer in writing.

Revealing more, he said that in a police station, the Good Samaritan will be examined in a single examination in a reasonable and time-bound manner, without causing any undue delay. If a Good Samaritan declares himself to be an eyewitness, he/she will be allowed to give her evidence in the form of an affidavit.

He said that directions have also been issued to the police authorities in the state for ensuring that all the above-mentioned procedures are implemented throughout their respective jurisdictions.

