Phillaur, February 4: To counter the problem of drugs in an effective manner, the Punjab Police has devised a multipronged strategy comprising of zero tolerance policy towards availability of narcotics, mapping of areas vulnerable to smuggling and peddling of drugs besides identifying all smugglers / peddlers to initiate immediate legal action against them. Besides this, a special campaign will also be launched to nab Proclaimed Offenders (Pos) and parole jumpers relating to NDPS Act cases and getting their moveable and immoveable properties attached as per law. Punjab police has also decided to start two new “Special Operations Cells” under intelligence wing of Punjab Police for tackling the smuggling of drugs in Punjab at Mohali and Ferozepur.
Presiding over a high level meeting of IGsP/Zones and Commissioners of Police to review the progress of drive against drug smuggling here at PPA, Sh. Suresh Arora, Director General of Police, Punjab today directed them to adopt a “zero tolerance policy” towards availability of narcotics drugs and psychotropic substances including habit formation drugs for consumers. He said that it becomes imperative to map the areas more vulnerable to smuggling & peddling of drugs to identify all smugglers/peddlers for further launching of a special campaign to prompt legal action against them.
The DGP announced to start two new special operations cells under intelligence wing of Punjab Police for tackling the smuggling of drugs in Punjab. One such unit is already functioning at Amritsar and the other two will be located at Mohali and Ferozepur. “This will further help in containing multimodal & multilayered smuggling activities”, he added.
The DGP directed the field officers to identify P.O’s/parole jumpers relating to NDPS Act cases and launch a special campaign to nab them. He underlined the need for digging more specific information about the activities of big smugglers to unearth the whole chain by establishing backward and forward linkages and taking the fight against this menace to its logical end. Underscoring the need to carry out scientific and systematic investigation including collection of evidence for ensuring conviction, the DGP asked them to ensure filing of charge sheets within stipulated time period in drug related cases.
The DGP further directed the field officers to get attached those properties/assets of smugglers which were amassed by them through smuggling activities through systematic & foolproof financial investigations in such properties of smugglers under S (68) of NDPS Act. He further told them to depute pairvi officers for helping Hon’ble trial courts in expeditious completion of the trial of cases. He also instructed field officers to liaise with the office of Chief Drug Controller Punjab & Drug Inspectors for taking appropriate legal action against people involved in illegal selling of habit formation drugs.
The DGP asked them to take prominent citizens of their respective areas including members of Panchayats, Municipal Councilors (in urban areas), members of NGO’s/ voluntary organizations in confidence for identifying persons involved in smuggling/peddling of drugs besides motivating the common masses to come forward in wiping out the curse of drugs from the sacred soil of Punjab. He underlined the need to educate common people about a scheme of reward of Rs. 10,000 /- for providing any information which leads to successful recovery of drugs. He asked for effective usage of Punjab Police helpline “Dial 181” for gathering information relating to people involved in smuggling/peddling of drugs besides highlighting Rs. 10,000/-reward for a successful information. As a part of this policy seventeen (17) people have been rewarded with Rs. 10,000 /- each for providing such information.
Emphasizing the need to launch a vigorous educational campaign especially in schools/colleges making students aware of various ill dimensions of drug addiction and consumption, the DGP asked them to set up ‘Anti-drug Societies’ in such institutions. On this occasion, he asked Inspector General of Police, Community Policing, Punjab to direct all incharges of Saanjh Kendras to launch educational campaigns in their respective areas of jurisdiction by involving all members of various ‘Saanjh committees’. He further directed them to ensure at least one activity in the form of seminars/debate etc. on fortnightly basis on the issue of drugs.
He further told them to motivate consumers of drugs to get them detoxified and de-addicted in 5 model de-addiction centers & 21 de-addiction centers which were being successfully run by Department of Health & Family Affairs, Government of Punjab.
It is worth mentioning here that Punjab Police during year 2015 has recovered 428.8 Kgs of heroin out of which 121 Kgs had been handed by BSF to it. Besides this, 11 kg smack , 75.5 kg charas, 401.8 Kgs of opium and 35291 kgs of poppy husk have been recovered by the state police.During the year a total number of 10178 cases regarding NDPS Act have been registered and 12193 persons arrested. The conviction rate in such case during the year 2015 was 78 percent.
In addition to this properties of smugglers valuing Rupees 13,28,05,352 /- Rupees thirteen crores, twenty eight lakhs, five thousand three hundred and fifty two were got attached from Competent Authority for NDPS Act, New Delhi by Punjab Police during the year 2015.
The Punjab Police has further undertaken a vigorous exercise for disposal of case properties relating to NDPS Act cases in two Punjab Police Incinerators i.e. one at Mansa and second at Kapurthala. In order to further expedite the drug disposal process, twelve (12) Punjab Pollution Control Board Police approved incinerators in private sector have been identified and soon these drug incinerators will also be used for disposal of properties.
The Director General of Police, Punjab further directed that people who are incorrigible and habitual smugglers be identified in a systematic and objective manner & proceedings of preventive detention under Prevention of Illicit Trafficking in Narcotics Drug & Psychotropic Substances Act, 1988 (PIT NDPS) be under taken against them. This exercise will definitely have a strong deterrence in containing smuggling activities.