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Chandigarh, September 4- In a bid to improve the canal irrigation potential in Doaba region, the Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal today gave approval for revamping and remodeling the Bist Doab Canal at a cost of Rs.320 crore.

A decision to this effect was taken during a meeting with the senior functionaries of the State Irrigation Department here this morning. Team of experts headed by Director, Central Soil and Material Research Station, Government of India, New Delhi Dr. Murari Ratnam and Dr. M.R. Goyal a renowned expert in the field of designing of canal structures participated in the meeting and gave their inputs regarding the remodeling of Bist Doab Canal with concrete lining.

Realizing the utmost need for immediate renovation of Bist Doab Canal, the Chief Minister was informed that this canal system which was 60 years old has become dilapidated with the passage of time resulting in lesser water carrying capacity especially at the tail ends thereby adversely impacting the irrigation prospects. Mr. Badal directed the officers of the Irrigation department to revamp and remodel the entire Bist Doab Canal network including its branches, distributaries, minors with concrete lining, the work for which would begin in the first week of October this year. He also directed that lining of water channels should be done in such a manner to ensure higher water allowance to the farmers adding that this measure would also aid in recharging the underground water table.

It was informed in the meeting that this canal after revamping would be able to supply water for irrigation to 2 lac acres of land as against present irrigation level of about 40,000 acres. It would also help in checking the depleting ground water table in the region.

Meanwhile, the Chief Minister directed the official of Irrigation Department to immediately take up the project to ensure its completion well before next Kharif Season. Mr. Badal said that the work on this system should be of highest quality and should be a benchmark for other projects to be initiated by the department in future. He also accepted the recommendation put forth by Dr. Murari Ratnam for undertaking third party quality assurance through CSMRS to ensure high quality standards during the execution of this project.

Taking part I deliberations Dr. Ratnam assured to provide all possible help and guidance to the Engineers of Punjab Irrigation Department for providing third party quality assurance services.

Prominent amongst other present in the meeting included Special Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Mr. KJS Cheema, Secretary Irrigation Mr. KS Pannu and Chief Engineer Canals Mr. GS Wasan.

