CHANDIGARH, JULY 30: The Local Government department today issued directions to all officers to ensure recording of punishment meted to any employee of the department in the service books of concerned employees.
According to an official spokesman it has come to the notice of government that punishment being meted to different employees in disciplinary proceedings does not get recorded in the service books of erring employees resultantly action is not taken against them. The Spokesman said that now directions have been issued that it would be responsibility of Superintendent of the branch issuing the punishment orders to get it recorded in the service book of erring employee.
The Spokesman said that it would be also responsibility of superintendent concerned to get that order delivered to respective Regional Deputy Director or Commissioner of Municipal Corporation for prompt implementation and get a written report from them regarding recording of entry in the service record. The spokesperson warned that in the event of dereliction of this order, disciplinary action would be initiated against superintendent concerned.