Mathura, June 10 : Nine persons were arrested for claiming the ownership of thousands of crores of property including renowned Ladli temple Barsana, police said today.
The alleged mastermind, Dinesh Kumar Das is being interrogated by the police attached to Barsana police station.
Yesterday, District Magistrate Rajesh Kumar had ordered a probe on the claim of accused Dinesh Kumar Das.
“I have submitted my report to District Magistrate. The District Judge has also been apprised how the main accused Dinesh, through his actions has maligned the prestige of the judiciary,” SDM Chhatta, Ram Araj Yadav who had enquired the claim of two groups, said.
On the basis of enquiry report he may be?sued?further.
Das along with his eight associates were arrested on the basis of an FIR filed by advocate Gokulesh Katara of Barsana.
“The prestige of judiciary has been maligned by fabricating court documents, bogus seal of the court and changing the order of the court of Judicial Magistrate Chhatta.
“The worst part of it is that he has sought help from President of india and Chief Minister for getting the possession of Ladli temple, thousands of bighas of land, hillocks etc., on the basis of bogus documents”, FIR filed by Katara stated.
Das has represented his claim in such a way that sense of insecurity has developed amongst pilgrims and devotees.
Administration had deployed the police around the temple to prevent any untoward incident.