Chandigarh June 7: The Punjab today took a major step by putting all 13040 village Panchayts on web, becoming the Ist State of the Country with information of all villages on web.
Punjab Rural Development and Panchayats Minister Mr. Sikander Singh Maluka said that the functioning of Gram Panchayats in Punjab has been strengthened through computerization under e-panchayats scheme and PRIA- soft, a unique software of National e-gram panchayats programme, he said that under an intensive programme, Training was provided to all panchayat Secretaries for the operational working of this software.
He said that an ambitious scheme to connect all Gram Panchayats (GPs) with national e- governance has launched successfully in all districts. He said that the Punjab Government was committed to adopt ePRIs scheme on priority basis with a view to put this plan into practice. Punjab has become an e-panchayat first state to put data of all its 13040 village panchayats on its official website. He said that websites of all Zila Parishads and Block Samitis has completed and started work on that of the Panchayat department websitewww.pbrdp.gov.in.
The Minister said that village panchayat websites has details of famous personalities, popular and historical places while the panchayat department website had contact numbers, educational qualifications of its members and related information.
The Minister said that other information is available on a click include elected members of Rural and Urban Local bodies, latest data of Gram Panchayats and mapped villages, distance of village from main cities and main roads, overall information about village, schools, colleges, hospitals, community centres and centre and state-sponsored schemes going on in the villages.