Chandigarh, In his controversial orders reinstating Gurmeet Singh Pinki as head constable, GS Dhillon, Deputy Inspector General of Police, had described Pinki as “an outstanding policeman, an asset to the department having a proven record of exemplary and extraordinary work.”Pinki was even honoured with a gallantry award by the then President. Pinki is a former police cat. He along with his gunmen was convicted for killing Avtar Singh in Ludhiana on January 8, 2001.The reinstatement orders of the DIG were revoked by the IG, Zonal, yesterday.The seven-page order in possession of The Tribune reveals that the DIG did not take the decision in a jiffy, but sought to justify his decision point by point quoting the Punjab Police rules and taking into account the service record of the policeman.As per the rules, a DIG-rank official can reinstate a policeman up to the rank of Sub-Inspector. The DIG says the rules allow a superior officer to give a punishment less than dismissal to a convict policeman.Dhillon termed the murder of Avtar Singh Gola an unfortunate event suggesting that it should be seen in the backdrop of high-risk life of Pinki who was under threat from terrorists after he arrested dreaded terrorist Jagtar Singh Hawara. The DIG also defended his orders saying the demotion from the rank of Inspector to Head Constable was enough punishment for Pinki. He also reasoned that Pinki had suffered enough for the murder as his life had been in doldrums since the incident.Meanwhile, Pinki today visited New Delhi where he met a number of senior BJP ministers, including Home Minister Rajnath Singh and certain MPs from Punjab and an RSS leader, to plead his case of reinstatement.Pinki argued he was one of those who risked their life during terrorism to save innocent people, especially Hindus who were being targeted.Reliable sources said his case was being studied. Within 24 hours of the withdrawal of his reinstatement orders, Pinki has reportedly chosen to knock the doors of BJP leaders in New Delhi than meet senior police officials in Chandigarh or the Akali leadership, especially Home Minister Sukhbir Badal who supervises the functioning of the police department.In usual circumstances, Pinki was supposed to appeal to an ADGP or a higher rank official against withdrawal of his reinstatement.A state BJP leader accompanied Pinki to the office of the Home Minister and other leaders. A BJP MP said: “Pinki pleaded his case saying he was being victimised. I will study it and comment later.” Pinki has reportedly sought the help of BJP leaders after some police officers who supported him in the past have reportedly cold-shouldered him.Victim’s parents oppose bid to reinstate PinkiLudhiana: The parents of Avtar Singh who was shot by police cat-turned commando Gurmeet Singh Pinky, have demanded a high-level probe into the recent controversy over his reinstatement. Expressing their resentment, Avtar’s parents Amrik Singh and Charanjit Kaur said first Pinki’s jail term of 14 years was shortened and he was released last year after spending barely seven years in jail and now the government was planning to reinstate him.
‘I am being victimised’
Chandigarh: Pinki on Friday alleged that he was being victimised. He said a number of other police officers were reinstated despite being convicted. Talking to The Tribune over the phone, Pinki said an SP and a DSP-rank officer were reinstated in Patiala despite their conviction in a murder case. Their sentence was also remitted. “In another case, some Punjab Police officials sentenced in a fake encounter case of a man and his wife in Kolkata were also reinstated,” he said.Didn’t violate rules, says Ludhiana DIG DhillonThe matter is now under the review of the higher rank officials, but I was within the frame of law and police rules to reinstate Pinki. I have stated the reasons.Rs