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Shraddha Kapoor cancels her trip with friends for work

shraddhakapoorNew Delhi, It has not been long since young actress Shraddha Kapoor stepped into the glittering world of Bollywood, and she has already made a place for herself in the A list actors. The reason behind this is definitely her hard work and dedication. An example of her dedication is when recently Shraddha Kapoor cancelled her trip along with her friends for prior work commitments.
Shraddha had planned a trip to Micronesia with her friends. Being a licensed scuba driver, the actress wanted to go there with her friends and explore the sea world in detail.
At Micronesia, she was to witness warship wrecks which have been there since World War 2 for which Shraddha had been planning for two months. There were special permissions and licenses required, which took some time. After a lot of to and fro and they finally got a date in April for the trip.
It was to be a 7 day trip and most of her bookings were in place.
However, the dates were clashing with her work commitments. Shraddha had part of dubbing for ABCD 2 and also had some brand commitments.

She had also started with the prep for Rock On 2 for which she has extensive voice modulation classes every alternate day. The classes are necessary for her role which require continuity and practice so she thought it was best for her to cancel her trip.
While her friends continued with the trip, Shraddha had to cancel her bookings.
Shraddha said, “I was really looking forward to this trip but I would feel guilty if I would have pushed my work. I will plan something soon.”
Well, the actress might as well plan for another vacation with her friends post wrapping up all her work.

