Chandigarh, The Punjab government has distributed a record grant of Rs. 24.78 core to 4189 farm labourers and farmers who suffered physical disability in an accident during agricultural operations.
Disclosing this an official spokespersonof the Punjab Agriculture Departmentrevealed that financial assistance given to agricultural farm workers who were victims of various accidents while engaging in agricultural work. In cases of death of a worker due to any sort of accident in the field, an assistance of Rs. Two lac is given to the victim’s family and in loss of one body part Rs. Forty thousand, in loss of two body parts Rs. Sixty thousand, in loss of four fingers Rs. Ten thousand per finger. He clarified that loss of four fingers is treated as loss of one limb and assistance of Rs. forty thousand is given financial assistance for the disability.
The spokesperson further said that the government is making all efforts and launching various schemes for the welfare and upliftment of the farmers and the farm workers.