Chandigarh, Under the directions of Hon’ble Mr. Justice T.S. Thakur, Judge, Supreme Court of india and Executive Chairman, National Legal Services Authority, Lok Adalats are being held every month on different matters. The main purpose of organizing the Lok Adalat is to get amicably settled disputes between the parties. Shri Munish Singhal, Member Secretary, Punjab Legal Services Authority, Chandigarh said that this month, Lok Adalat is going to be held on14.03.2015 in the entire State of Punjab in respect of Revenue, MNREGA and Land Acquisition matters.
Hon’ble Mr. Justice S.S. Saron, Judge, Punjab and Haryana High Court and Executive Chairman, Punjab Legal Services Authority alongwith Shri Sarvesh Kaushal, Chief Secretary, Punjab have made an appeal to the masses to approach the Revenue Courts and District Legal Services Authorities to get their cases settled amicably.