Chandigarh, Seeking the Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi’s direct intervention to include Punjab in the country’s flagship ‘Digital India Programme’, the Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal today urged him to fund the state government’s ambitious programme for establishing 2174 Unified Citizen Service Delivery Centres at a cost of nearly Rs.550 crore under integrated approach towards e-Governance.
In a letter to the Prime Minister, Mr. Badal shared his view point with the former saying Punjab is emerging as one of the leaders in implementation of e-Governance initiatives in every sphere of governance in order to bring paradigm shift in citizen service delivery and Government functioning. The state has been a front-runner in implementing various Mission Mode Projects under National e-Governance Plan, i.e. e-District, State Service Delivery Gateway, State Wide Area Network and State Data Centre etc.
In order to provide broadband connectivity to more than 12000 Gram Panchayats of the State under National Optical Fiber Network (NOFN) Project, State has already approved free Right of Way to implement the Project in the State at a faster pace, added the Chief Minister.