Chandigarh, The Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal today gave approval for fixing the reserved prices of the plots under Eco-city Phase -2 scheme to be launched by Greater Mohali Area Development Authority (GMADA) in Mullanpur (new Chandigarh).
Disclosing this here today a spokesperson of the Chief Minister’s Office said that Mr. Badal approved the proposal put forth by GMADA thereby giving his nod for fixing Rs.21000, Rs.23000 and Rs.30000 per sq yard for the categories of plots ranging between 100-300 sq yard, 400-500 sq yard and 1000-2000 sq yard respectively.
Pertinently, to mention here that there are total 1323 plots of which 855 were reserved for Austees and remaining 468 were kept for open market.