Chandigarh,Under the Post Matric Scholarship Scheme of Punjab Government, more than 3 lac students belonging to Scheduled Castes would get post matric scholarship .
Disclosing this here today Mr. Rajesh Bagha, Chairman, Scheduled Castes Commission has asked the principles of schools and colleges to identify the meritorious students belonging to SC for giving them the scholarships. He also said that unnecessarily harassment of the students belonging to the deprived sections would be checked and strict action would be initiated against the erring . Mr. Bagha further said that the commission was already taking up the cases of harassment of the Scheduled Castes employees being exploited in various government offices. Mr. Bagha said that strict action would be taken against anybody who was found harassing the Scheduled Castes employees.
Mr. Bagha appealed to the dalit community to avail maximum benefit of the government schemes especially envisaged for them. He also said that any kind of further information regarding the government schemes could be sought from the office of the commission.