New Delhi, Dec 09: The tragic death of Chief of Defence Staff, General Bipin Rawat has left a nation in mourning.
General Rawat became India’s first CDS, following a historic announcement made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi about the creation of the post during his Independence Day address.
General Rawat who retired on December 31 2019 after completing his three year tenure took over as the CDS. The government had amended the Army, Air Force and Navy rules to allow the CDS to serve till the age of 65. General Rawat turned 63 in March 2021 and this meant he still had another two years in service.
The position was first officially suggested in 1999 following the Kargil War. The Kargil Review Committee had suggested this position, but the official call was made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on August 15 1999. On December 24 2019, the Cabinet Committee on Security formally announced the creation of this position, a four star general, a tri-service chief that shall lead the defence forces.
The death of General Rawat has created an unprecedented situation. Now the government will have to select a top official and appoint him as the CDS. While the succession line is clear in the Armed Forces, in the case of the CDS is new as General Rawat was the first appointment to the post.
Air Marshal B K Pandey, B K Pandey tells OneIndia that the senior most among the three chiefs will take over. As it stands, Indian Army Chief, General M M Naravane is the senior most among the three service chiefs. Logically, he should take over.
General Rawat: Career highlights | 1st CDS, surgical strike & Balakot airstrike | Oneindia News
The government could either wait for General Naravane to retire as Army Chief and then make him CDS or appoint him right away. When the rules were amended the age of superannuation for the CDS was made 65 years, Air Marshal Pandey also pointed out. The post of CDS was a first and his replacement would also be a first owing to an emergency, he also added.
Considering General Naravane’s seniority, he could be made the CDS chief. Indian Air Force chief Air Chief Marshal Vivek Ram Chaudhari and navy chief Admiral R Hari Kumar are around 2 years junior to him.
A recommendation by the Shekatkar committee, the government must choose the CDS from among the three service chiefs. This would mean that General Naravane would be the frontrunner for the post.
General Naravane is due to retire in April next year. If he is named as the next CDS then the post of Army chief would fall vacant. This would mean that the government will have to appoint a new Army chief.
The government would not keep the post vacant for too long as there are several challenges on the borders with Pakistan and China at the moment. Moreover the government would look to appoint a CDS from the Army due to challenges being faced on the borders.
However the appointment of is the government’s prerogative. It may be recalled that the government had superseded Lieutenant Generals Praveen Bakshi and PM Hariz to appoint General Rawat as the Indian Army Chief on December 31 2016. The government took the decision considering General Rawat’s experience in Jammu and Kashmir and Northeast.