Chandigarh, Shiromani Istri Akali Dal, the SAD’s women wing, chief Jagir Kaur today said women from all prominent political families of Punjab had been accommodated in the organisation.Jagir Kaur said this while releasing the first list of office-bearers of the party. Senior SAD leader and former Cabinet Minister Dr Upinderjit Kaur and former MP Parmjit Kaur Gulshan have been named patrons of the Istri Akali Dal.Satwant Kaur Sandhu, Rajinder Kaur Bulara, Satwinder Kaur Dhaliwal, Amarjit Kaur, Mohinder Kaur Josh, Nisara F. Khatoon, Kuldip Kaur Tohra, Anupinder Kaur Sandhu, Balbir Kaur Pradhan, Harjit Kaur Sidhu, Surinder Kaur and Kartar Kaur have been made senior vice-presidents.A number of general secretaries, district presidents, vice-presidents and organisational secretaries have also been announced. —