Chandigarh, The Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) today asked the State Election Commission (SEC) to extend the nomination filing date for filing nominations for zila parishad and panchayat samiti polls due to large scale violence in various parts of the State during the course of which Akali workers were forcibly stopped from filing their nomination papers by Congress goons.
In a statement here, former minister Dr Daljit Singh Cheema said he had informed State Election Commissioner Jagpal Sandhu that no Akali candidate was allowed to file nomination papers in Zira, Makhu, Guruharsahai, Dera Baba Nanak and Patti for either the zila parishad or panchayat samiti elections. He said besides this Akali workers were stopped from filing their nomination papers at many places by Congress goondas which necessitated increasing the time period for filing nominations.
Condemning the large scale violence occurring across the State, Dr Cheema said Congressmen were even resorting to firing to intimidate Akali workers. He said Congress goons resorted to unprovoked firing on Akali workers in the Tarn Taran SDM office complex to prevent them from submitting their nomination papers. He said around 20 shots were fired in premises of the SDM office despite the fact the election code is in force and all weapons are supposed to be deposited into government custody. He said nomination papers of many candidates were also snatched and torn on the occasion.
The Akali leader said in Patti, one Akali leader Prem Singh was grievously injured when Congress goons fired at a group of Akali workers who were proceeding to file their nomination papers. He said no Akali candidate was allowed to file nomination papers. He said the firing occurred in the presence of the police force but policemen as well as civil officials remained mute spectators. “Strict disciplinary action including suspension, should be taken against all officers who are acting as stooges of Congress legislators”, he added.
In another case of violence several Akali workers were injured when their vehicles were stoned in Dera Baba Nanak constituency. No Akali worker was allowed to submit nomination papers at Dera Baba Nanak.
Dr Cheema said in another shocking incident, Congress goons closed the gates of the Ferozepur deputy commissioner’s office to thwart Akali leaders from filing their nominations. He said in Kot Ise Khan in Moga vehicles of Akali workers were attacked and damaged and their papers were snatched and torn. He said nomination files were also snatched and torn in Dharamkot, also in Moga district. He said in Pathankot nomination papers of ten Akali workers were snatched in Tajpur block and two in Nangal block. He said in Rajasansi constitutency nomination papers of two Akali candidates each were snatched and torn in Harsha Chhina and Chogawan blocks. He said in Dehlon block of Ludhiana nomination papers of Akali candidate Rajwinder Singh were snatched and torn. Dr Cheema said attempts were also made to forcibly lift candidates with Akali worker Sant Ram being attacked and forcibly taken away and was not traceable till now.
The SAD leader said he had sent reports of 18 incidents yesterday and 12 the day before. He said besides incidents of violence SAD workers were not being given no dues certificates at various places in the State. He said voter lists had not reached some places which was coming in the way of filing nominations .