Southampton: After the relationship rumours of Ravi Shastri and Bollywood actress Nimrat Kaur created a social media buzz on Monday, the Team India coach has finally responded to media reports. Dismissing the rumours, Shastri termed it as the ‘the biggest load of cow dung’.
It was earlier reported that the Airlift actor and Shastri were dating for two years after meeting through a common friend. The duo were also spotted together on multiple occasions since 2015 after being hired by a luxury German carmaker to launch its vehicles that made speculations more rife.
Earlier on Monday, Nimrat reacted to the reports with a cryptic post on Twitter. “Fact: I may need a root canal. Fiction: Everything else I read about me today. More facts: Fiction can be more hurtful, Monday blues exist and I love ice cream. Here’s to trash free happy days ahead,” she wrote.
Meanwhile, Shastri also expressed his disappointment over Virat Kohli-led India’s Test series loss to England. “This one [loss] hurts. It should have been 2-2. We had our chances,” he said.