While we may all feel refreshed after freshly washing our hair, but a hair expert has claimed that shampooing our mane is, in fact, the worst thing we can do for our hair.
In a story published in The Sun, Eli Halliwell, CEO of Hairstory, has warned that we could be damaging our hair without realising it.
Halliwall, in conversation with Fabulous said, “When you’ve grown up always doing something you don’t question it. The reality is that shampoo is a product that was made to be too strong for its use.”
He added that when people first invented shampoo, they decided the cleaner a person can be, the better.
“And that made perfect sense for your hands, for your dishes, hospital floors, for carpets, but it doesn’t make sense for your skin or your hair,” he said, adding, “Now, anyone who cares about their skin and their face is going to be washing with an oil-based cleanser.”
He went on to brand the ingredients used in a shampoo as being ‘terrifying’, adding that it is something that is actually not only unhealthy for the hair but also for the environment.
And conditioner doesn’t fare much better in his opinion.
According to Halliwell when one use shampoo what happens on the hair and scalp is that a person ends up stripping away the body’s natural protective barrier.
“Your body responds by fixing itself and reproducing those oils in that barrier, and you end up in a vicious cycle, where you over clean and you over-produce oil,” he said.
The chemicals are so similar to what we use to clean clothes, he says that one could effectively pour shampoo in their washing machine and washing powder on their hair.